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More trait mod sims 4

It gives an Inspired moodlet which changes the walkstyle to Jog and chooses an autonomous music interaction to perform if an instrument is available. Once they do, this interaction should trigger fairly frequently, particularly if Fun Need is low. Interaction- (autonomous): Can only activate if Fretful child has 5 or higher skill in both Piano and Violin.Triggers reaction nearby sims will change into Party outfit and start dancing if there is a stereo nearby playing music that they can dance to. Interaction- Party Fun Ditty (non-autonomous): Appears on Piano if Fretful child has 8 or higher Piano skill.Mostly exists as a way to ensure that Fretful children will have some autonomy pull to use instruments, even with little to no skill. Functions almost identically to Practice. Interaction- Fret Studiously (autonomous): Appears on Piano and Child Violin.Moodlet Replacements- Cool Key Chords (Piano) and Soothing Strings (Violin) give an Inspired moodlet instead of Happy.Moodlet Replacement- The Inspired moodlet from interactions like "Plunk for Inspiration" is stronger and gives the Jog walkstyle while active.Moodlet Replacement- Bad playing gives a Sad instead of Embarrassed when nearby sims hear your bad playing.Randomly Inspired moodlet (if both Piano and Violin skill are 5 or higher).Sleepy walkstyle by default (can swap to Jog walkstyle with certain Inspired moodlets, such as from playing music skillfully).Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Emotional Control when the trait is added in live mode (e.g.Has privacy settings (can result in embarrassment if somebody walks in while it's going). Interaction- Practice Looking Competent (autonomous): Appears on any mirror.Failure results in negative moodlet for all parties involved.

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Success results in listeners making a mess and not autonomously cleaning while the moodlet they're given is active.

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  • Interaction- Incite Domestic Defiance (non-autonomous): Target another sim and pick what all child sims listen to the speech.
  • Raises child skills Social, Creative, and Mental.
  • Interaction- Play Quiet Game (non-autonomous): Target another sim and pick what all child sims participate in the game.
  • Autonomy (general)- More likely to do mischief interactions.
  • more trait mod sims 4

  • Friends with the "Monster Under the Bed" by default.
  • Special idle animation in live mode, with the same frequency as toddler trait idles (note: idle animation you see in CAS doesn't necessarily reflect what the trait's idle will be in live mode).
  • Character Values (Parenthood)- Gains some Responsibility when the trait is added in live mode (e.g.

  • More trait mod sims 4